Eating and DC Friday, Sep 22 2006 

Casey is now eating. 2 days of force feeding was not fun. His cough is loose now, so I guess with pneumonia that is good.


(Oh, I did clean right after I saw that picture! GROSS)

And he is sleeping! He needs his rest to get better.


Today has been a little stressful, but all good. I am getting things done. I get overwhelmed easily. I made a list of about 25 things I needed to get done today and crossed them off as I did them. I think that is the best way now because I feel so overwhelmed sometimes and forget what I am doing.

I have a trip that has me working all night, but then tomorrow morning I am in Washington DC. I really like it there, I am going to plan my day in a bit, it is on the list. I think I will sleep when I arrive and then go out in the late afternoon.

I am working on a press release…a real one. I have to figure out how to do a press release first though! I have some good resources, so I think I can handle it.

Well, Ill post pix tomorrow after I do my trekking. I may have to post after I get home Sunday, but I will do it as soon as I can.


My Really Sick Baby Wednesday, Sep 20 2006 


pneu‧mo‧nia  /nʊˈmoʊnyə, -ˈmoʊniə, nyʊ-/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[noo-mohn-yuh, -moh-nee-uh, nyoo-] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation –noun Pathology 1. inflammation of the lungs with congestion. 2. Also called lobar pneumonia. an acute disease of the lungs, caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae and characterized by fever, a cough with blood-tinged phlegm, and difficult breathing. ====================================================================

I took Casey to the vet again. He was not improving and I could tell he was getting worse. He has not been eating or drinking much either. I called them immediatly when I woke up this morning. I was so worried about him all day. He never got up once until I took him to the vet. Upon arrival at the vet they first took an X Ray. It showed he has Pneumonia. We then hooked him up to an IV and gave him some fluids. He is a really good boy considering everything we had to do to him. Poor guy.

I am now force feeding him. I am also giving him stronger medication in hopes of it kicking whatever is keeping him weak. The vet can not be sure what exactly is wrong, so for now we are just hoping this medication gets rid of whatever is wrong with the poor guy.

I am not exactly sure what causes what, but I believe he was sick with a viral or bacterial illness, and because that kept him weak he got Pneumonia. So, I belive the Pneumonia is a result of the other illness. P9200003

Ill keep you all updated.


Casey the Great Dane Wonder Dog…er, Puppy. Tuesday, Sep 19 2006 

Here are more pictures of Casey! I am a little worried, he is not eating normally. They really require a lot of food now, because they grow so quick. I am sure he will be fine, but I still am “cooking” for him to make his food more attractive to him.

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Here we went to the Psychiatry office to visit a friend. P9190014 P9190015

and finally asleep…although he sleeps about 10 hours a day plus the night.

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Great Dane Puppy Sunday, Sep 17 2006 

I finally did it. I got a Great Dane puppy. We were discussing it for a while and watching the rescue websites, but everything was not really a match. Getting older dogs out of their ways is just a hard thing to do. A friend of ours that works at a shelter called us and said 3 Dane puppies were dropped off and to get over quick. The puppy we got is 15 weeks old and 40lbs. He is very tall and beautiful.

His legs and feet are all Dane. it is funny. he is so clumsy and sleeps on the couch all day. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

He is very cute. No matter where you are, if you are sitting down, he will try to collapse in your lap. He is for sure a cuddle dog!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

My only question is, if we have 3 dogs we have to have our house inspected and get a kennel permit.  People have 3 kids and dont have to have their house inspected nor have a permit.  WHY?


Ro & My Jungle Friday, Sep 15 2006 

I started reading Rosie O’donnell’s blog and have to say people can be SO RUDE! She has a Ask Ro section where you submit questions. Some of the stuff is so out of line. One guy called her an “ignorant slut”. I can not believe that anyone would actually post that about someone they dont know!! I AM SORRY you have to go through that Rosie! Here are some pics of my plants. I promised a photo of my Royal Palm tree that I collected when I was in Florida. It took 5 months to germinate, and finally 3 of the 5 seeds germinated.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Here is my Pommegranate seedling my uncle sent to me from his yard. It was really dead for a long time but looks good now.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Here is the jungle after we brought in some of the plants. Sophie is in her regular spot.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Have a great night!! Nick

My Intro Wednesday, Aug 23 2006 

Here is a photo tour of what I ususally blog about… Pets…

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Plants… Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Travel… Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Food…. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting And sometimes nothing at all… Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Ciao for now… Nick